Complaint and Appeal Policy

  1. Appeals
    In all cases, authors have the right to request a review of editorial decisions if they believe there are unfair components to them. To process this, a letter of appeal must be provided with a thorough justification of the concerns, the type of appeal being made, and the reasons why the editorial decision is deemed unfair.
    An appeal of this nature will be made to the editor-in-chief, who will consider it jointly with the Associate editors and the relevant reviewers. The work may be re-reviewed by fresh reviewers, and the editor-in-chief will ultimately decide.

    If you have any issues with the journal's policies, practices, publication process, editorial staff behavior, or anything else, please send a thorough email to the editor. Your query will be resolved in the timely manner. The resolution will then be communicated to the complainants via email.
    For complaint, kindly email to the Editor

    Dr. Khalida Siddique
    Call: +92 313 6555044