Reasons for the Introduction of Hadith and its Effects on the Differences Between Jurists, An Introductory Review

اسباب ورود حدیث اور اختلاف فقہاء پر اس کے اثرات ایک تعارفی جائزہ


  • Hamza Zafar MPhil Scholar, Department of Quran-o-Sunnah, University of Karachi. Author


Hadith, Islamic jurisprudence, Juristic Differences, Legal Tradition, Islamic Law, Prophet Muhammad


This study aims to explore the reasons behind the introduction of Hadith literature in Islamic jurisprudence and to analyse its effects on the differences among jurists. The objective is to provide a comprehensive understanding of how Hadith contributed to the development and diversification of Islamic legal thought. This research employs a historical-analytical approach, examining primary sources such as classical Hadith collections and early juristic writings. Secondary sources, including contemporary scholarly analyses, are also reviewed to contextualize the historical development and its implications on juristic discourse. The findings reveal that the introduction of Hadith was driven by the need to preserve the sayings and practices of Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) as a source of guidance for the Muslim community.
The integration of Hadith into Islamic jurisprudence significantly enriched the legal and ethical corpus of Islam, offering a more nuanced and practical approach to applying Islamic principles. Nevertheless, it also introduced complexities that contributed to the differences among jurists. These divergences underscore the dynamic and pluralistic nature of Islamic legal tradition. Understanding these historical and methodological differences is essential for appreciating the diversity within Islamic jurisprudence.




How to Cite

Hamza Zafar. (2024). Reasons for the Introduction of Hadith and its Effects on the Differences Between Jurists, An Introductory Review: اسباب ورود حدیث اور اختلاف فقہاء پر اس کے اثرات ایک تعارفی جائزہ. Al-Iman Research Journal, 2(01), 01-11.