The Ethical Issues of the Present Age And the Role of Sufism in their Resolution

عصرِ حاضر کے اخلاقی مسائل اور ان کے حل میں تصوف کا کردار


  • Asiya Khalid MPhil Scholar, Dept. of Islamic Studies, The Women University, Multan. Author
  • Dr. Sumera Safdar Lecturer, Dept. of Islamic Studies, The Women University, Multan. Author


Taṣawwuf, Ethical Issues, Spiritual Treatment, Murāqabah, Contemporary spiritual challenges


Sufism (Taṣawwuf), regarded as the essence of Islam, plays a pivotal role in the ethical and spiritual development of individuals. Its core objective is to purify the soul and promote moral rectitude, thereby fostering a strong connection with the Divine. One of the critical issues in the modern ethical crisis is humanity’s detachment from God, which Sufism addresses through its teachings. This research investigates how Sufi ethics, intertwined with practices of self-purification (Tazkiyat al-Nafs), contribute to inner reformation and spiritual enhancement. Central to Sufi teachings are virtues such as repentance (Tawbah), piety (Taqwa), patience (Ṣabr), gratitude (Shukr), and sincerity (Ikhlāṣ), which serve as defenses against spiritual ailments like arrogance, envy, and pride. Sufi masters have historically implemented practical methods, including remembrance of God (Dhikr), meditation (Murāqabah), and self-discipline (Mujāhadah), to train the soul and help individuals attain moral and spiritual excellence. The study aims to illuminate how these practices continue to offer peace and address contemporary spiritual challenges. By exploring the practical and transformative aspects of Sufism, this research will contribute to a more profound understanding of its role in promoting ethical and spiritual resilience in modern times.




How to Cite

Asiya Khalid, & Dr. Sumera Safdar. (2024). The Ethical Issues of the Present Age And the Role of Sufism in their Resolution: عصرِ حاضر کے اخلاقی مسائل اور ان کے حل میں تصوف کا کردار. AL-ĪMĀN Research Journal, 2(03), 01-07.