Literary and Linguistic Discussions in the Letters of Dr. Aslam Ansārī

ڈاکٹر اسلم انصاری کے مکتوبات میں ادبی لسانی مباحث


  • Dr. Dabir Abbas Assistant Professor, Government Associate College Miani, Sargodha. Author


Literary Criticism, Maktūb Nigārī, Aslam Ansārī, Linguistic Discussions, Contemporary Urdu Literature


Dr. Aslam Ansārī is a prominent contemporary Urdu poet. He has not only demonstrated creative excellence in Urdu, but he has also composed distinguished poetry in Persian, English, and Saraiki. Besides being a poet, he is also recognized as an important Iqbal-shinās or scholar of Iqbal's works. There is considerable diversity in Aslam Ansārī’s fields of study. It may be said that these dimensions are vast, and his insights are profoundly deep. This is the reason he did not restrict himself to the aforementioned two aspects but also made serious efforts in other academic and literary domains, presenting himself in various roles. He is not only a poet and Iqbal-shinās but also a critic, translator, letter writer, personality writer, fiction writer, and novelist. Dr. Aslam Ansārī holds a unique place as a letter writer. His corpus includes not only private and personal correspondence but also a substantial number of academic and literary letters. These letters are often written in response to various scholars, editors of journals, and at times to students. The topics discussed in these letters are multifaceted. In this article, we analyze the literary and linguistic discussions found in the letters of Dr. Aslam Ansārī.




How to Cite

Dr. Dabir Abbas. (2024). Literary and Linguistic Discussions in the Letters of Dr. Aslam Ansārī: ڈاکٹر اسلم انصاری کے مکتوبات میں ادبی لسانی مباحث. AL-ĪMĀN Research Journal, 2(03), 08-15.