Common Grammatical Errors in Written English Among Undergraduate ESL Students: Literature Review


  • Ameer Hamza MPhil English linguistics, University, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Author
  • Isha Tariq MPhil English linguistics, University, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Author
  • Muhammad Asghar MPhil English linguistics, University, The Islamia University of Bahawalpur. Author


Error Analysis, Sentence Structure, Grammatical Errors, Language Learning, Tense Errors, Syntax


This study investigates the common grammatical errors made by undergraduate students in their written compositions, with a focus on sentence structure. By analyzing essays written by 30 students from the BS English Linguistics program at Islamia University of Bahawalpur, the research identifies recurring issues in verb tense, syntax, spelling, prepositions, and article usage. The study adopts a qualitative approach, using content analysis to classify errors based on grammatical categories. The findings reveal that mistakes in tense agreement, noun-verb relationships, and sentence cohesion are prevalent, largely due to factors such as overgeneralization, first language interference, and inadequate vocabulary.
This research highlights the importance of understanding error patterns in language acquisition, offering insights into how educators can better support students in overcoming these challenges and improving their writing skills. The study’s implications extend to enhancing both the teaching and learning process, emphasizing targeted grammatical instruction at the undergraduate level.




How to Cite

Ameer Hamza, Isha Tariq, & Muhammad Asghar. (2024). Common Grammatical Errors in Written English Among Undergraduate ESL Students: Literature Review. AL-ĪMĀN Research Journal, 2(03), 18-28.