Methodology and Sources of Tafsīr Thanā’ī

منہج و مصادر تفسیر ثنائی


  • Dr Muhammad Nafees Khalid Lecturer, Department of Islamic Studies, Comsats University, Wah Campus Author


Qur’ān, Methodology, Tafsīr Thanā᾽ī, Intellectual Proofs, Ideology


Maulānā Thanā’ullāh Amratsarī is an eminent figure in both ‘Arab & non-‘Arab world for his dialectic theological elaborative aspects. He became a hard nut to crack for his contemporary Christians, Qādiani’s and Aryans. Through his commentaries on Qur’ān and other literary work and dialects, the way he presented the truth and idealist of Islam in the light of modern theology against these blasphemous religious and sects, is admitted and appreciate an era. Tafsīr Thanā᾽ī is a Kalāmī Tafsīr in which Maulānā Thanā’ullāh Amratsarī has addressed the beliefs of Christians, Ahmadi’s, Aryans and Naturalists and thus declined them on the basis of Qur’ānic and intellectual proofs. The methodology he has employed in order to falsify the above-mentioned religions is that first he presents their arguments (logics), then he mentioned the principles, framed in the light of these arguments.  Finally, on the basis of their mutual conflicting argument, he presents the ideology and claims of Qur’ān by declining their logics.




How to Cite

Dr Muhammad Nafees Khalid. (2024). Methodology and Sources of Tafsīr Thanā’ī : منہج و مصادر تفسیر ثنائی. Al-Iman Research Journal, 1(01), 09-15.