Manto's Short Stories: In the Mirror of Psychoanalysis
منٹو کے افسانے تحلیل نفسی کے آئینے میں
Saʿādat Ḥasan Manṭo, Psychoanalysis, Social Taboos, Unconscious Desires, Defence Mechanisms, Psychosexual Development, Fixation, Oedipus ComplexAbstract
Saʿādat Ḥasan Manṭo, a celebrated short story writer of Urdu literature, masterfully delves into the intricate layers of human psyche through his vivid and thought-provoking narratives. His short stories often address controversial social taboos and their deep-seated psychological impact on individuals and society as a whole. By portraying characters burdened with unconscious desires, fears, and societal pressures, Manṭo highlights their use of defence mechanisms to navigate anxieties and internal conflicts. Manṭo's exploration extends to psychosexual development, fixation at various stages, and the manifestation of psychological disorders. His characters reflect complex inner worlds, necessitating psychoanalytic inquiry to uncover hidden dimensions of their personalities, including prominent complexes like Oedipus, inferiority, and superiority. Through his storytelling, Manṭo effectively captures the collective unconscious and archetypes embedded in the socio-cultural fabric of the subcontinent. His stories transcend mere entertainment, offering a profound critique of the societal norms and their impact on human behaviour and mental health. The vividness and depth of his characters make his work indispensable for understanding the intricate interplay between individual psychology and societal constructs. This article critically examines Manṭo’s characters in light of psychoanalytic theory, particularly focusing on the ideas of Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, and Alfred Adler. By applying these frameworks, the study seeks to provide a nuanced understanding of Manṭo’s work, emphasizing its relevance in exploring the complexities of human nature and societal dynamics.